Me maravillan las fotografías de Liz Kuball, en especial su serie Soledad, pero ahora quiero reseñar un precioso artículo que ha compartido en su blog y que titula On screens and Notre Dame. Es una deliciosa reflexión sobre la manera en que las pantallas han cambiado nuestra forma de viajar, de descubrir, de experimentar y sentir los lugares que nos son nuevos.
I cried watching Notre-Dame burn, I realize now, because it wasn't just Notre-Dame I was crying for. It was the memories of that trip to Europe when I was 21, of a time and a place that feels lost to me, as lost as Notre-Dame appeared to be as the flames consumed the famous spire. And yet Notre-Dame still stands, and will stand for hundreds more years, and that time before screens is gone forever.
La foto pertenece a Liz Kuball, de su serie California Vernacular